1. Define following term related to speed time curve (1) Average speed (2)

Maximum speed (3) Schedule speed (4) Dead weight (5) Accelerating

weight (6) Adhesive weight (7) Train resistance.

2. Explain working of high-speed train.

3. Draw and explain speed-time curve for main line service.

4. Explain multiple unit control system in detail.

5. State advantage of regenerative braking system.

6. Explain repulsion motor with necessary diagram.

7. Describe working of Linear induction motor.

8. Define plugging. How it is employed to dc series motor?

9. Explain pantograph collector.

10.Explain in brief auxiliary equipment used in electrical locomotive.

11.Explain conductor rail system.

12.Explain Negative Booster.

13.List various equipments in D.C. Substation and explain their working.

14.State and explain general features of traction motor.

15.Explain factor affecting scheduled speed.

16.Draw the speed time curve for all type of traction services.

17.Explain electrical characteristics of traction motor

18.Explain characteristics of A.C. series motor.

19.Explain working principle of monorail and metro system of traction.

20.State advantages of electric traction system.

21.Derive equation for maximum speed.

22.Explain working principle of Linear induction motor.

23.Explain working principle of Rosenberg Generator.

24.Derive the expression for tractive effort.

25.Explain the working principle of Pulse width modulation control.

26.Explain starting series parallel control for two D.C. series motor with


27.Explain plugging method in D. C. series motor.

28.Explain single battery system with diagram.

29.Draw diagram of composite locomotive and explain functions of main 07

equipments used in it

30.Explain feeding post for electrical traction system with diagram.

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31.Explain bridge transition with circuit diagram.

32.List and explain the major equipments of A. C. traction substation.

33.Explain specific energy consumption and co efficient of adhesion.

34.Compare speed time characteristic of main line, sub urban and urban

traction service

35.Derive the formula for crest speed using principal quantities of trapezoidal

speed time curve.

36.State and explain main auxiliaries used in electric locomotives

37.Draw power circuit diagram of single-phase ac locomotive and label main


38.Write the advantages and disadvantages of electric drive.

39.A train runs between two stations 2 km apart with schedule speed of 50 04

kmph. If train stoppage time is 30 sec. and train acceleration and

retardation is 2.5 kmphps and 3.4 kmphps respectively, then calculate its

maximum speed. Assume trapezoidal speed time curve.

40.Compare diesel traction and diesel electric traction system.

41.Explain the importance of neutral section

Course Outcome

The theory should be taught and practical should be undertaken in such a manner that students are able to acquire different learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains to demonstrate the following course outcomes:

i. Distinguish different traction systems and latest trends in traction systems.

ii. Differentiate services of traction system based on speed time curve.

iii. Control different types of traction motors

iv. Use various traction system auxiliaries.

v. Explain the distribution system of a traction system.

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